The Aspiring Author Online

Another reminder of my 'other' homes on the worldwide web, particularly as I don't always get a chance to update my blog as frequently as my other websites. If you're here and reading this, then obviously you already know about this one. Here, then, are the others which it'd be great if you could find time to look at:
This is my Facebook page, please feel free to check it out and 'like' if you are a Facebook member! I try to update this regularly and post news and offers relating to my books.
Here is my Amazon Author Page, which offers Kindle versions of my books. These you can then download to your device. (for the United States version, just add .com into the URL instead of!/MaceBookspace

I'm on Twitter, which I do update quite frequently as I also tend to post links to interesting articles, websites and opinion pieces which I always come across.

I'm also on the Redbubble website, which is an online community for artists primarily, but also for writers. I've posted a lot of material here, some of which duplicates what is here on this blog, but also there are more free stories, journal entries and casual photographs which I've taken over the past few years, and which I didn't want to display on Facebook any more- I'd encourage you to take a look at them here. Redbubble has a fantastic and active online arts community, and some marvellous work from around the world is showcased.
I'm a regular contributor to the Runaway Writings website, run by Rob Richardson, and there are free stories published there, as well as work by other writers and artists in SF, Fantasy and Adventure genres.
